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Family Support

Hello and welcome to my page.

My name is Dave Rycraft and I’m the Family Support Worker at Springfield Juniors. I’ve been lucky enough to help support lots of families over the past few years in a variety of ways, and I’ve built good relationships with parents/carers and children that have helped them to navigate different issues during their time at our school.

What does my role involve as Family Support Worker?
As the school’s Family Support Worker I am able to provide information and support to families and children. I am able to promote and enhance the relationship between home and school, often working alongside the teachers to achieve successful outcomes for the children andfamilies.
I work in partnership with a wide range of agencies and professionals to deliver support and interventions, attend meetings and represent the school in a variety of settings.
I can help support parents where it’s appropriate, with useful strategies and routines.
I can offer emotional and social support to children whilst they are in school.
Sometimes if I am unable to help, I can signpost you to outside agencies, organisations and professionals that can offer the relevant support and advice.

Dave Rycraft – Family Support Worker - In school every day.
Please  call  the  Office  on  01473 741300  if  you  would   like  to   contact   me, or   email  me via

Below you’ll find plenty of links to websites and organisations, both local and national, that
cover different areas of support that you may find useful.  

Links for useful support and information for many areas of need:

Suffolk Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Hub — Information, advice and support for anyone concerned about the emotional wellbeing and mental health of a child or young person aged 0 to 25 years.
The Expert Parent’s Guide to Childhood Anxiety — we have written this expert guide for parents to help children understand, cope and become strengthened by their experiences of anxiety at a young age.
Ormiston Families – We take early and preventative action to support families to be safe, healthy and resilient: all our services help people to build stronger networks, learn from experience and feel in control of their own wellbeing.
Ollee — Ollee is a virtual friend for children aged 8-11 that helps them think about how they’re feeling, then seek the support of their parents. Ollee offers advice and support children can save for later or share with trusted adults. Parents can also use it to get advice about subjects they think their child might need extra support with.
YoungMinds Parents Helpline – Worried about a child or young person? Contact the Parents Helpline for free, confidential advice via the phone, email or webchat.
NSPCC – Our services help children who’ve been abused, protect children at risk and find the best ways to prevent child abuse from ever happening
The Mix – The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. We are here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing — from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs.
MindEd — MindEd is a free learning resource about the mental health of children, young people and older adults.
Childline – Get help and advice about a wide range of issues.
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families  - We’re transforming mental health by working with infants, children, young people and their families, their communities and professionals to deliver timely evidence-based support for all.
Suffolk Wellbeing Service – Wellbeing Suffolk offer help and support to improve wellbeing and manage stress, low mood and anxiety. We aim to reduce the onset of mental ill health, prevent deterioration and promote recovery by offering a range of flexible services tailored to meet your specific needs.
Beat — Beat provides Helplines for adults and young people offering support and information about eating disorders. These Helplines are free to call from all phones.
Samaritans – Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
PAPYRUS — The national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.
National Autistic Society — We are the UK’s leading charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families. Since 1962, we have been providing support, guidance and advice, as well as campaigning for improved rights, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for autistic people.
ADDISS — We provide people-friendly information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to anyone who needs assistance — parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals. Whatever you’re looking for in ADHD, we’ll do our best to help.
VoiceAbility — We support people to be heard in decisions about their health, care and wellbeing. We’re an independent charity and one of the UK’s largest providers of advocacy and involvement services.
Mental Health Foundation — Prevention is at the heart of what we do. Our vision is good mental health for all.  Our mission is to help people understand, protect and sustain their mental health.
Family Lives — If you would like support and advice, you can contact us about any family issue, big or small. We listen, support and never judge. We build better family lives together.


Cost Of Living

Below is a leaflet from East Suffolk Council which signposts families to advice and practical support with the rising cost of living: