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Curriculum Overview

At Springfield, we aim to deliver a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils. Infusing our school drivers of aspiration, creativity and pupil voice, we deliver a dynamic curriculum that is evidence-led, meaningful, engaging and designed to provide each of our children with the opportunity to experience a diverse range of rich experiences and enable them to explore their skills, try new things and fuel a thirst for learning.

From Spring 2023, we are following the CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership) programmes of study for reading, writing, spelling, history, geography, art and DT.  CUSP is unapologetically ambitious with evidence-led practice at its core.  It's planned to ensure the long-term retention of knowledge.  We are not able to publish the detailed content for each subject but are happy to discuss this.

For all other subjects, such as French, Computing, PSHE and PE, there are clear progression grids in place to sequence learning across Key Stage 2. Teachers use these documents as a starting point for their planning along with our Teaching and Learning Policy, and Key Expectations documents in each subject, to design sequences of lessons. These progression grids are available from the school on request.

All these documents are working documents; they are reviewed regularly and adapted as necessary to ensure they best serve the current cohort of pupils and reflect our current thinking about each subject.

Who can you speak to about our curriculum coverage?
Please speak with Mrs J Viner if you have any more questions regarding our curriculum. Send an email to with the subject FAO J Viner Curriculum Coverage.