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Year 4 Homework Tasks

In Year 4, we ask that learning is supported at home by completing the following tasks each week. Our homework runs from Friday morning at 8 am to the following Thursday night at midnight. If your child does not complete their homework each week, they may be asked to do it within school hours IE: break and lunchtime. 



Please read at home with your child for 20 minutes, 5 times a week. It is important that these reading sessions are recorded in the reading record provided by school. When your child has finished reading a book, please support them to complete the associated quiz using the QR code on their reading record. This will help us track their progress. Your child's teacher will check their reading record and their progress towards their reading target each week.


Times Table Rock Stars 

It is crucial that your child completes their 21 minutes of TTRS practise each week. This is targeted for them and will support them to succeed in the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) later in the year. Research shows that it is best to complete this in small 3 minute bursts each day of the week.

Please read more about what the MTC is and how to help your child using the attachment below.