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Spring Learning


Spring 1 2024 Overview

It is hard to believe we are in 2024 and the children have already completed a term in Year 6!  This term, despite the dark days, we have been working as hard as ever.  In Maths and English, we have been focusing on ensuring that children are secure in all topics and have the best chance of succeeding in their end of key stage SATs assessments.  A huge thank you to the parents for their hard work in helping the children complete their homework, which has really helped confidence soar!  
In the afternoons, we have been studying light in Science and the children now know many fascinating facts including:  white light is made up of a spectrum of seven colours, light only travels in a straight line and that it is incredibly fast – it covers 300,000,000 meters in one second!  I know if you ask the children, they will be able to tell you many more facts to astound you.  
In History, we have been learning about the Windrush generation, which has opened our eyes to the discrimination and prejudice that many Jamaicans faced when they arrived in the UK after the Second World War.  As part of this topic, we also had a wonderful trip to the Jamaican restaurant ‘Hardball Caribbean Smokehouse’ in the town centre, where we were treated to traditional Caribbean cuisine and some wonderful stories and poetry about the Windrush.  If anyone is ever in town at Sailmakers, look out for the Windrush Reflection Room. It is well worth a visit.   
Our Friday afternoons continue to be a weekly highlight as we continue working on our puppet project.  We have now started to create the props and backdrops, so paintbrushes have been constantly in hand; if things continue to go as well as they are, the summer performances are going to be incredible! 
So as this half-term draws to an end, we are finishing with a flourish.  We have just completed a wonderful storytelling week, where we practised our oracy skills, reciting and retelling in our own unique ways, the story of 'The Man in Search of his Luck' - it was great fun.  Next week, before we close the doors for half-term, we are excited about our next DT cookery unit: pasta in tomato sauce, noodle soup and creative salads are all on the menu; we can’t wait to show off our culinary skills!



Year 6 Tea Afternoon SATs Presentation

This half-term's tea afternoon focused on how to best prepare and help your child over the next term as they prepare for their end of primary school SATs assessments.  The presentation is available below.

Year 6 SATs Presentation