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Our School Drivers

For Springfield pupils, we have recognised that there are key areas that we would like to develop.
​Through many of our subjects, we have woven through opportunities to enhance pupils’ understanding and experiences of key drivers. These drivers form part of our school culture and ethos:

Pupil Voice

We continually consider how we can ensure pupil voice is interwoven into our curriculum and school life that we deliver in school. Through our Rights Ambassadors and OPAL ambassadors, we educate children to appreciate and respect our own (and others') individual differences and uniqueness in work and in play.  Our pupil survey influences the way we deliver the curriculum and how we create a positive and safe environment in school.


Our children can be anything they want to be.  With hard work and our SPRING learning behaviours, our children can achieve their goals, however high they aim.  We work hard with our families to ensure barriers to learning do not hinder our children from following their dreams and an ambitious curriculum prepares our children to be responsible, knowledgeable and active citizens in society.


Our teachers use creative methods to engage our pupils in their learning, within their teaching, as well as extracurricular opportunities such as trips and visits.  In addition, by giving our pupils increased opportunities to experience the Arts, and to perform, we hope to develop their self-confidence, and as a result, improve standards of attainment across the different subjects. Oracy strategies enable children to talk articulately and fluently.

The combination of these key drivers working together help develop independent thinking, confidence, ambition, appreciation and respect in our pupils as they grow into citizens that can contribute positively to the world around them.