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Breakfast club is £1 per pupil and is available from 7.30am. Last breakfast is served at 8.15am. A free breakfast is available to those attending clubs before school. From 8.30am, buttered bagels are available in the classroom for pupils at no cost.

Pupils arrive at school via the playground gate between 8:30am and 8:45am, where they are able to come straight into their classrooms. This helps them to settle quickly and helps to minimise traffic issues at the start of the day. The school gate will be locked as soon as the children come in at 8.45am. Entry into school after this time will be through the main reception area where pupils sign in through our Inventry system.

Pupils recieve a late mark if they arrive after the registers have closed. Repeated lates or persistent unauthorised absences may result in referral to the EWO and could incur a penalty notice being given to the parent/guardian. The Trust Attendance Officer has regular visits into school to discuss attendance with the Head Teacher.

Morning session
08.45 till 12.00 (Y3 and 5)/12.15 (Y4 and 6) – Please ring before 09.30 if your child is going to be absent and explain their reason for absence.

Lunchtime begins at 12:00/12.15. If your child goes home for dinner, please ensure they are back by 13.00/13,15 (depending upon their year group)

Afternoon session
Afternoon sessions start at 13.00 or 13.15. Children are collected from the main school playground - Year 3 and Year 4 at 15.15 and Year 5 and Year 6 at 15.20.
For pupils to leave school grounds unaccompanied, permission from a parent/guardian is required. All parties with permissions to collect are listed for the class teacher; please inform the school if there are any changes to collection arrangements.

Try to make appointments for the doctor/dentist after school hours if possible. Where this is unavoidable, please notify the office of the date and time. You may be asked to provide evidence of the appointment.

Please DO NOT at any time park in front of the school gates or in the yellow lined zig-zag areas.  This is for the safety of the children and to allow emergency services access to the school should it become necessary. Traffic officers regularly attend this area. The school operates a one-way system through the playground to reduce congestion.