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Why is Attendance Important?

We'd like to take a moment to highlight the critical role of punctuality in your child's education. Consistent punctuality not only aids your child's learning but also fosters responsibility and time management skills that will serve them well in the future.

As you know, our school gates open promptly at 8:30 AM and close at 8:45 AM. From 8:30 AM, our students engage in important morning work that sets the tone for their day. This valuable time is missed when a child arrives late.

Please be aware, that if your child is carrying a lot of absence, the school may request evidence such as: appointment cards/text messages, prescriptions and doctor letters.


The Children’s Endeavour Trust and Springfield Junior School acknowledge there are clear links between:

  • Attendance and attainment
  • Attendance and safeguarding

Springfield Junior School is committed to providing a high-quality education for all pupils.  By attending school every day and on time children and young people can take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them.

Research shows a direct link between high attendance and doing well at school.

Good attendance builds confidence, friendship and ambition.

Good attendance is important because pupils:

  • get on better with learning and other children;
  • cope better with school routines, work and friendships;
  • find learning easier because they do not miss out;
  • are more successful moving between primary school, secondary school, higher education and employment or training;
  • are known to be safe and well by us

Parents and the school staff should work in partnership in making education a success and in ensuring that all children have full and equal access to all that the school has to offer.

As a school, we will encourage parents and carers to ensure that their child achieves maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent this are identified and acted on promptly. It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children arrive at school on time and return home safely.

Attendance levels

  • 97%+, expected attendance. This will help all aspects of a child’s achievement and life in school. This will give them a good start in life and supports a positive work ethic.
  • 97-91%, below expected attendance. As attendance falls, our concern increases. We follow our stepped approach to take action.
  • 90% or lower, persistent absence. Absence is causing serious concern. It is highly likely to affect attainment and progress and is disruptive to the child’s learning.

Not coming to school is a serious concern. However, each case is different and the school knows that there is no standard response. Consideration is given to all factors affecting attendance before deciding what intervention strategies to use. Our Attendance Policy outlines the steps that the school will take to manage and improve attendance. 

Leave of Absence

In line with the Government’s amendments to the 2006 regulations holidays during term time will NOT be authorised. The Headteacher and Governors have determined that:

  • where leave of absence in term time is due to exceptional circumstances, an application form must be requested from the school office and submitted for consideration by the Headteacher on behalf of the school governors, no less than 3 weeks prior to the requested date. The fundamental principles for defining ‘exceptional circumstances’ are that they are ‘rare, significant, unavoidable and short’. An application form is also made available below, this must be emailed to the school office no less than 3 weeks prior to requested date.
  • if leave is taken without prior authorisation by the school, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and Education Welfare will be notified.

There are 38 weeks in the pupil school year, leaving 14 weeks for holidays.