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Online Safety

Online Safety
Pupils are reminded regularly about online safety and information for parents is sent out weekly so that we can work together to keep everyone safe online.
Please see Mrs Westgate if you have any further questions regarding any element of online safety.


Have you seen something online which has made you feel unsafescared or worried? Click the CEOP image below to make a report online or speak to Mrs Westgate, Online Safety Lead. ​
What Parents Need to Know

Useful Links
There are a number of websites which children, and you as parents, may find useful when spending time online.

Would you like to report a concern online? 
The CEOP website is a great place to go to report any concerns you may have online. CEOP is there to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying, fake accounts or account hacking.

They are there to help and give you advice, and you can make a report to them directly if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafescared or worried. This might be from someone your child knows in real life, or someone they have only ever met online.  They take all reports seriously and they will do everything they can to keep you safe.

As well as making a report to them, the CEOP Thinkuknow website has information and advice to help you if something has happened to you online. Read below for more details about this!

Thinkuknow is an excellent resource. It has brilliant tips of how to keep safe online and also resources which all ages can use.

Click here to access materials for children aged 4-56-78-10 or 11-13

Is my child spending too much time on electronic devices?
Many children enjoy spending time online. However, as this article suggests, not all screen time is equal. Spend some time creating rules for using electronic devices at home with your child and also discuss sanctions which can be used if these rules are broken. 

Please see Mrs Westgate, Online Safety Lead, if you have any further concerns about how much time your child is spending online.

Check your child's privacy settings!
As children become older, it is natural for parents to allow them more time to become independent and spend screen time on their own. It's still important to check privacy and parental settings to make sure your child is spending time wisely online. It is suggested that your child's computer or device is in a room where you can regularly check what they are accessing and also monitor who they are communicating with.

This website gives you practical top tips of how to support your child at home.

This website provides parents with a checklist to make sure privacy settings are being used successfully at home.
Social Media
Many children are aware of different social media platforms and some may have an account for them. Below are some examples of what age restrictions there are for common apps. Some of these might be surprising! It important that children are aware of what age they need to be to have an account for them. These age ratings have been devised by experts in this field, looking at the content and impact on children it may have. ​
What Children Need to know

Top Tips for Online Use

Do your research!

Question, evaluate and reflect on the online content you see….
Remember that not everything online is always what it seems. Information, photos and even videos can be edited, faked or may have more than one motive – like trying to get you to spend money or share your personal information. If something seems odd, or you haven’t heard about it before, it’s best to do a bit more research.

Check and double-check
Use other websites and sources to fact-check online information…
Luckily there’s lots of ways to check whether things are trustworthy online. Most importantly look at more than one source – this could include other webpages, videos or offline sources like books and newspapers. Remember there are lots of adults who can support you too – like parents, other family members and teachers.

Stay safe online
Don’t share your personal details or trust strangers online…
There are some simple actions we can take to help keep everyone safe online – like not sharing personal information. Remember that other people online may not always be who they appear to be, so be sure to check with an adult if you are ever unsure about what to share or who you are chatting to online.

Take positive action
Help make the internet a more trustworthy and respectful place…
Remember that the online world is for everyone so always treat others with respect. If you see anything online that worries or upsets you, use the block and report buttons to take positive action to stop it and tell an adult what’s happened. By working together, we can make the internet a better, more respectful and more trustworthy place.

Make a difference!
List the apps and websites you know that feature reliable information…
The internet is amazing – there’s so much to see, do and learn! If you are ever unsure about something then ask an adult that you trust for some help and advice. Why not make a list together of your favourite apps and websites, including the ones you think are most trustworthy?