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Your Wellbeing

We want you to be happy and safe at school and at home, because happy children are the best learners.  If you are feeling unhappy, scared or worried about anything at all, there are lots of people you can talk to at school, including your teacher, Miss Whitmore and Mr Rycraft.  We will do our best to help you.

Within school, Mr Rycraft is a trained Mental Health First Aider and Miss Whitmore is a trained Mental Health Lead, who are available for pupils to talk to along with our Thrive, ELSA and Drawing and Talking practitioners.
If you have concerns about your child's mental health and wellbeing, please contact the school so that we can discuss this together.

We also have a virtual worry box on this website at the bottom of the home page where you can let us know, confidentially, about any worries you might be having at school, or at home.  It's good to talk.

There are also lots of websites you can turn to for advice and support:

Childline - a free phone line and website for children who need to talk about anything

Brave - to help children overcome anxiety