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Autumn Learning


Autumn 2nd Overview


This term we have covered many fascinating topics in Year 6.  

During our morning sessions, we have continued to visit different text types; we have written our own fictional stories based on the moral ‘The boy that cried wolf’ as well as delving into the works of Shakespeare and Wordsworth as we studied Shakespeare’s beautiful Sonnet 18 and Wordsworth’s equally beautiful poem Daffodils.  We discussed the archaic language that had been used, the links between the poems and which we preferred and why.  In maths, our focus this half-term has been fractions and I think we have finally cracked them!    

Our afternoon sessions have been jam-packed with new learning and continuing work on our puppets – as you can see from the pictures below, they are really beginning to take shape and take on their own individual characteristics.   We have carried on increasing our knowledge about the body in Science, looking in particular at what it means to be healthy.  In RE, we really enjoy learning about all the different faiths and this term, we explored Islam and looked at how ‘Tawhid’ creates a sense of belonging amongst the Muslim Community.   Geography this term has been explosive as we have been looking at volcanoes, earthquakes and mountains and how they form.  Did you know that Krakatoa, in Indonesia, is a stratovolcano located on the ‘Ring of Fire’ whereas Mauna Loa in Hawaii is an example of a shield volcano?  Or that the tectonic plates that cover the Earth move as a result of convection currents churning in the mantle.

In our DT topic, Mechanisms, we designed and created ferris wheels according to a brief.  We had great fun sawing, glueing and drilling as well as problem-solving when things inevitably went wrong!   As this term draws to an end and the excitement reaches a crescendo, the Year 6 team would also like to thank parents for their support with homework this term, as what they do at home, has a huge impact on ensuring the work we do at school is cemented.  Have a wonderful holiday. 



Rights Day

Today we had a fantastic day revisiting the United Nations Rights of the Child as part of the school’s journey to becoming a gold Rights Respecting School. 
The children looked at the meaning words indivisible, universal, inalienable, inherent, unconditional and how they linked to the rights of the child.  As you can see below, they produced some wonderful posters.
We also discussed the idea of campaigning and how children can speak up and make a difference.  We looked specifically at climate change and the teenage activist Greta Thunberg and how she made and continues to make an impact in her fight to reduce global warming.  We created some storyboards around this.
