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Autumn Learning


Autumn 1st 

The children have settled down so well and have been working really hard. We have been learning all about Rocks in Science and the children really enjoyed searching through soil, testing rock samples and discovering fossils. This has then linked into our writing sessions where we have been writing reports all about different rock types. 

​The children have thoroughly enjoyed making different types of boxes in Design and Technology. We looked at how to stiffen fabric so that we could make different types of box, and we made 3 in total. It was a very good test of the children’s resilience as some of the techniques were quite tricky!

In reading, we have been reading Pebble in my Pocket and this has again linked to our learning on rocks.
We have just started to learn all about the Stone Age, which the children have found fascinating. We will continue to learn about this after half-term in the lead up to our trip in November.
The children have loved visiting Broomhill library and, hopefully, everyone now should have a library card.

Autumn 2nd

Examining soil samples


​Autumn 2
This has been a busy half-term with lots going on in the year three corridor!
We revisited our learning about the changes to Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age with our trip to Whitehouse Juniors for a Stone Age experience. Here, children sat in a Stone Age dwelling, complete with a fire and animal skins, and met some characters from this time who taught the children what life was like for them. The feedback from the children was very positive and the company that runs the workshops were very complimentary about not only the children’s behaviour but also the excellent questions that they asked too.
This half-term we had our first food technology unit, which although it can be hard work for staff, is thoroughly enjoyed by the children! The children had to design healthier versions of commonly bought pre-prepared foods which tied in with the Science work we are doing about healthy eating. Nearly every child had a taste of something new, and they all enjoyed picking the flavours and toppings for all the dishes made; healthy corner yoghurts, flavoured popcorn and chips.
Last but not least, the Christmas production. Lots of hard work goes into getting the children ready for this at a time in the term when energy levels are depleting. We are so proud of the children for singing, dancing and acting with such enthusiasm!