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Autumn Learning

Autumn 2nd 2023


​​Year 4 have had another busy half term of learning.  As part of our geography learning about rivers and our literacy work on news reports, we went litter picking along the River Gipping. The children were really sensible and collected lots of litter which we brought back to dispose of correctly. Afterwards, we wrote newspaper reports about the experience.  As well us this, we have also looked at third person adventure stories and have written our own stories. 

In science, we were lucky to have a visit from the Kinetic science team who brought lots of materials
to develop our understanding of states of matter. We participated in experiments to separate
materials, melt ice and explored the unusual state of cornflour which is a non-Newtonian fluid.

Recently, we completed our DT project on mechanisms where we learnt all about different hinges and had a go at making some, including a butt hinge. We then made boxes in pairs, using nets and reinforced the corners with wood using our sawing skills. We made a lid with a hinge using paper fasteners. Finally, we decorated our boxes.

In maths, as well as continuing to learn timetables, we have been continuing to develop our skills in the other mathematical operations. Well done to all those children who have consistently completed their TTRS homework as this really helps them with their maths learning.



Autumn 1st 2023

​​Year 4 children have had a busy term settling in to their new classes and working hard.  In maths lessons, we have been consolidating our understanding of place value as well as practising times tables daily. Well done to all those pupils who have been regularly completing their TTRS homework. This is a great way to support your learning.

In literacy, we have looked at poems, persuasive writing and are now learning how to write a diary
entry. Following a virtual trip to West Stow, the children have been writing a creative diary entry about the trip which links to our learning in history! We have also combined our learning about being safe online to write a persuasive report to encourage others how to stay safe.

In reading, we have read ‘The Queen’s Nose’ by Dick King- Smith which has inspired some of us to
read other books written by him which we have borrowed from the library. We are currently reading
‘Young, Gifted and Black’ which is full of inspiring stories about real life icons.

We really enjoyed our DT week, where we learnt about healthy foods, comparing shop bought foods
with homemade ones. Over the week, we practised our skills in peeling, chopping, grating and
kneading by making pizzas, bread and soup. We particularly enjoyed tasting our creations. Some of
us have been inspired to cook at home too.



At the moment we are learning about life in Britain in Anglo-Saxon times. We are enjoying learning new vocabulary, including heptarchy. In science, we have been learning about living things.