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Autumn Learning

Autumn 2nd 2023

As part of our topic on Ancient Greece, Year 5 took part in a ‘Greek Day’ where we enjoyed tasting Greek food; designing and making shields, headdresses and Greek vases and participating in ‘Olympic’ activities. During Anti-Bullying week we had a PSHE workshop, with a visitor who conveyed this important message using puppets. Next term, we are looking forward to continuing rehearsals in Performing Arts for ‘Seussical the Musical’.


Autumn 1st 2023

​The Autumn term has started well with the children enjoying their swimming lessons every Monday with some children making really good progress already. They have been developing their French language skills by learning how to ask the time and where places are, as well as revisiting colours and numbers.
Our first DT project has been making and tasting some delicious, nutritious food: a Smorrebrod (Danish open sandwich) and a Mezze (a bowl of healthy, savoury foods) whilst honing their slicing, chopping, grating and designing skills. I think the rye bread was quite a required taste for many of the children!

